Caroline Schmidt (00:27)
Welcome to Trial by Wine. We take a closer look at crimes that highlight how fascinating humans can be. Schmidty, Swanny and Clarky visit crimes and run them through their jury of three, debating both sides of the case to agree an appropriate, if totally fictitious, sentence. Please be advised Trial by Wine may include explicit or disturbing content and will include drunken rambling. Listener discretion is advised.
And what are we drinking? She says with a sigh. Come on. It's the fancy one. I'm still struggling through the fancy one. The San Pellegrino. Yeah. San Pellegrino. Struggling through it. your taste buds have gotten used to class finest. Budget. Budget. No, don't know. I'm still that thirsty. It's weird. Not really thirsty. And boys, what are you drinking? We are having a delightful red claw.
Pinot Noir from the Morning Confidential. What about you, Schmidty? I am on. the stab off? that was good. Fancy drink. I had a glass. That is a white wine spritzer made with the beautiful Dellatite Winery's Pinot Gris, which is delicious. And I've topped it up with a lot of ice and a decent serve of tonic water. And it makes for quite a nice spritzer. Yeah, it works quite well. And the reason I'm doing that is because
As we discovered the last, not, not in our last episode, but we were recording the other day, keto and alcohol don't go very well together. I don't want to get the hiccups to sound like the biggest drunk ever when actually I wasn't that drunk. just couldn't stop hiccupping for over an hour, which was quite distressing in the end. So I've decided to water my drink down. And even though I am drinking this out of a Spanish gin glass, which means it looks like a bucket of wine, I've poured out effectively one glass of wine.
And then topped it all up, which should last me the whole episode. So it's like, big one getting drunk tonight then good. good. Good. Makes for a pleasant change. Clarky. Do you have a story for us? Why? Yes. Indeed. I do. Do want to hear it? I would love to. We just end it now. All right, let's go straight in with my sources. My sources are list or all that's interesting and
Thought It's sounding very light at the moment. It doesn't sound like a credit list. No Smithsonian. No, no. But if you want a clue, listen closely. ready? Okay. Yep.
Neighbours. Good old Barry Crocker. Yeah.
Yeah. Neighbours soundtrack. Got it. Got it. Yep. So for all of the Australians and our UK listeners, you'll know that's the Neighbours soundtrack. So today I'd like to talk about All Things Neighbours, but not really All Things Neighbours, because this is a true crime podcast after all. So maybe I'll just share some of the seedier interactions between neighbours. But the question, Barry Crocker, is...
Does just a friendly wave each morning help to make a better day or is there just no helping some people? Probably the latter. So I'm going to take you through a few little stories. So the first one is from Reditor and from zygomelonm is the username who's written this story. Now I didn't, I didn't say Reditor was one of my sources because it was on a article. So they
sourced it from Reditor. Anyway, zygomelanem says, this isn't even everything that went down with that neighbor, just some brief highlights. My mom had this neighbor who pretended to be weak from cancer slash chemo. her landlord couldn't get mad at her for when trash bins were full and lawn was filthy. She even went as far as shaving her hair faking a limp. I know, was thinking, what is that? mean that unmoaned?
filthy. What? All right. Filthy lawn, you dirty lawn. Dirty, dirty. She went as far as shaving her head and faking a limp, cane and everything. Mum baked her some cookies and offered to take care of her bins and lawn. But then the neighbour spills her scam. My mum now enlightened about my neighbour's the fault in our stars bullshit. Her words not mine or his words not mine.
And tired of the trash blowing into our yard called the landlord. Neighbor wasn't happy and would blast music at ungodly hours of the night slash wee morning to get back at my mum. Mum would get frustrated because she worked late and left early and filed noise complaints to the police. The police arrived and the neighbor claims that my mum and an old little Asian lady punched her in the chest.
The neighbor wants her arrested but mum shows the cops our security cam footage. No mum punching. Instead finds crazy neighbor kicking her nine-year-old daughter out in the middle of the night. Nine-year-old is banging on her door. My mum comes out to check on noise and tries to bring hysterical girl inside at like 2 a.m. in the morning and the neighbor comes out and sprays her with a hose.
sprays the neighbor with the hose or your mom? The neighbor comes out and sprays the mom with a hose. Needless to say, the neighbor gets taken away and the daughter is said to live with her dad. That's story number one. And this from Bored Panda. I used to have a neighbor that put their extra bags of garbage out next to mine. This might not seem like such a big deal, but it was nearly every week. And our municipality had a two bag limit.
If you had extra bags, that's bullshit, but yeah, go on. You had to put a sticker on them, purchasable for a mere 25 cents or they would not be picked up. Also doesn't seem like a big deal. 25 cents. Anyway, what a pain in the ass. Right. It's just so people get rid of their rubbish. Fuck off municipality. Yeah. Yeah, I know. Right. They're the problem here so far.
because it costs more than 25 cents, I'm sure to pick that bag up. Well, maybe it doesn't. 25 cents. I mean, you've got to put a sticker on it that costs 25 cents. The whole act of buying a sticker for 25 cents would be worth more than 25 cents. Exactly. Anyway. So every week I would go out after putting my two cans out the night before, not two cans of the birds, but two cans of rubbish, and find that there were extra bags of someone else's garbage left behind.
It took a long time to determine who the guilty party was and a couple of extra bags each week added up. I would put on my rubber gloves, open the mystery bags and sift through them, trying to, trying to find identifying information. It was very frustrating because every week there was nothing. I knew that the culprits had kids because they were always dirty diapers. mean, there's commitment to be going through that isn't there? yeah.
I knew that they were disgusting, lazy sons of bitches because every time, every bag was full of styrofoam plates and plastic cutlery, which they apparently found more convenient than washing dishes. Well, no wonder they weren't getting a 25 cent. yeah, yeah. This went on for a ridiculously long time. I would sift through their bags, be disappointed, re-bag their garbage.
And then grudgingly store it in my garage. Like there's a lot going wrong, isn't there? Store it. Store the jibiji diapers. Rather than pay the 25 cents, they re-bag it and put it the garage. And then what? Then they've got extra bags next week. This makes no sense, but all right. Play along. Okay. With the only other option being to pay for surplus stickers to take it away. 50 cents.
two bags. I know which I'd choose, but you know. year is this? I don't know. 1929, where 25 cents is a lot. Right. That's what I can't get my head around. Anyway, happily we didn't have a car, so there was lots of space in the garage. That worked out all right. Still. What? Let's get out. Happily we didn't a car. Then one fine August day it happened. A bill. A bill was in the garbage.
a bill with an address on it. And it was my own. I knew the household which was responsible for all the extra garbage. The cheapskates that could not find it in their budgets to affix a mere 25 cents stickers for their surplus waste and instead sneakily put it on their neighbor's yard. They were three doors down and across the alley. I mean, I agree they are cheapskates for not paying the 25 cents. Also,
you're storing the rubbish in your garage rather than paying 25 cents. This is a bit wrong. It's like cheapskateville or something. True, true. Yep. So that's the principle. It's not their rubbish. So our good neighbor waited for their van to be gone and then went over to their gate, opened it and placed all their garbage carefully back in the driveway.
Since fair is fair and I was already obliged to handle their garbage and re-bag it, I emptied it all out and took my bags back, leaving their six months extra garbage in a heap in their driveway. I don't think they ever worked out who had had their revenge on them since it was pretty clear that they were leaving extra bags for everyone who shared an alley with them. so they had more than two extra bags. Yeah, yeah. So two extra bags for this lot, for other right. Other people's sets well. Okay.
But that was the end of their illegal dumping. It does give me some satisfaction to know that even if I had to handle and re-bag their garbage when it was fresh, they had to re-bag it after it had been fermenting for months in my non-climate controlled garage. that is disgusting. I mean, that's determination, isn't it, to do that to your garage? Yeah. And the story ends with one word, which is pricks.
Yeah, there's a few pricks in that story. It's not quite a neighbor story, but I suppose it's a community story. And this is a secondhand story. when, in the year before I came back to Australia, I'd sent London ahead of me, my dog, and mum and dad were looking after London for me in Australia and they adored him and dad particularly loved him. And dad would take him for walks every day. But my father was never one to pick up after the dog when it did its business.
And one of our, not, I wouldn't say neighbor, but someone in the community noticed this behavior and wasn't very happy with it. So this person bagged up the poo over a period of time, followed my father home at some point and left it on the front veranda for him.
He still didn't pick up after the dog though. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It sat there for months. What the fuck is this bullshit? Would have been his response, but he'd still, I don't think, picked up after the dog. Yeah. Whilst doing this research, there are a number of dog poo stories, I didn't choose one. If you're a regular listener, you've heard us talk about Cigarette Sally, the lady he used to hang out at a local station asking, have you got $7 for cigarettes for me?
And when the answer was no, which it always was, she would cry like this. Well, how about this story from I lived in a house that had been split into two apartments. Next door was a crack head. Normally crack head kept to herself and didn't bother me except to a cigarette or two every few days. One day she needed to smoke, but I was down to my last pack.
and payday wasn't for another three days. So I said, no, she must've really needed a smoke because it was like a rage which had been turned on into a head. I turned around and went back to my apartment to get away from her screaming at me. And she went back into her apartment, starting pounding on the walls. At least I thought she was just pounding on the walls. Turns out she grabbed a hammer and was smashing her way through the to my apartment.
I called her boyfriend who was basically a decent dude and he rushed home and got her calmed down. The hole in the walls was basketball sized by the time she was stopped. my god. Luckily for me, they were already being evicted so I didn't have to worry about her anymore. Now this one's quite a long one so bear with me and there's a little bit of judgey going on also that's what we do so don't need to bear with me on that. And this one's from Metaspoon. Back when I was living with my ex-husband like five years ago
Our area had a decent cost of living and I was making good money. So we were in this super nice apartment complex. It was all recently remodeled in a really convenient part of town. Lots of amenities, huge pool, fitness center, free on-site laundry, private dog park, all kinds of stuff. It was great and super quiet. We lived in the middle unit on our floor. So we had one unit to our left and one to our right. One day I noticed we were getting new neighbors on our left.
Being a friendly person, I whipped up some cookies, one batch of normal chocolate chunk with salted caramel and one batch of gluten free, dairy free, taste free. Fun free. Chocolate chip. Food free. Just in case they had dietary restrictions. mean, that's thought. That's very good person. Yeah. Yeah. Also, if I had that, don't bother. I don't want those. I'll just buy them.
I bring them over in nice little boxes wrapped in ribbon along with a card saying, to the community. If you ever need anything, reach out, et cetera, et cetera. What a lovely neighbor. So I go over and knock. And when the door opens, I see this lady with, I'm not joking, like eight. And throughout this story, they use asterisks and there's a number, one asterisk I'm assuming for each letter. So I've got to guess the swear word.
So I'm going to go with this one. I'm not joking like eight fucking kids. time I swear I'm getting a spare word. Cause that would be really inappropriate. Well, that would be awkward, wouldn't it? Yeah. My stomach drops. know this is going to start, but I'm hoping maybe they aren't all hers. She's babysitting or they're having a play date or something. Fuck off, cookie wanker. I said it was judgey. I introduced myself anyway. Welcome her, all that and ask.
So are all these little ones yours? She gives me an enthusiastic yes and starts running with her all the names Octo-Mum, have you heard of me? Haven't you said that in the magazines? They're not all Octuplets. Well, we didn't get that far, yep. Yeah, yeah. So I zone out because I couldn't care less and then she starts- What an asshole. And then she asks how many I have.
How did you go from being such a lovely neighbor to, don't give a shit about your life. she wasn't a lovely neighbor. She was someone who was going to check it out, I would imagine. then being Mrs. Mangle. Yeah, totally. Here go. I was the first person to be nice to you. I'm coming in to check in first. I'm coming to have a look. I've got the cookies so you can't, you know, move me on. And all eternity, I can say, but I did this for you when you first moved in. Yeah. Wow.
If that's the case, she gets her comethuppance. I tell her I'm child free and my husband and I love our pup enough to be satisfied with him. Her entire demeanor. He'll be dead within 10 years. Yeah. She looks at me like I just ran over her mom and she goes, well, that's disappointing. Haven't you considered how selfish you're being? Everyone needs a little baby. Who's going to take care of you when you're older? I feel like that's a reason.
This is bullshit. This is bullshit. I think what are you even? Well, keep keep listening because I it gets worse. What are you even going to do with your life? I'm internally rolling my eyes severely but I just tell her I'm focusing on my degree and my career.
that I'm in the human services slash social work field because I want to dedicate my life to helping others and my lifestyle just doesn't include a child. Except when the lady next door happens to have some and if you're so good in social work you wouldn't be having this reaction. Now I'm going to help with this swear word. It's an eight letter swear word and I will beep where the swear word is but I can't quite work it out. She responds
with more beep about how the best way to help the world. mean, is that even a swear word? Yeah. God. Okay. Well, that's why I was never going to get that. That's how funny my mouth is. you're overthinking it, darling, I think. Quite possibly. I'm thinking, fucking doesn't have. I had my pencil out ready. I was like, it's like a hangman thing. I think we're going to give us letters sort of.
eight letters, eight letters, bullshit. You got it straight away. just said it was bullshit before. That was the last word out of my mouth. But then I thought, this is an American story, so it'd be asshole. So it's one letter. Yeah, it'd be seven again. I feel like if I was trying to bleep out bullshit in writing, I would just like put an asterisk for the I or something. It's not offensive enough. Yeah. Not worth your effort. I agree.
Right. Well, she responds with more bullshit about how the best way to help the world is to bring more babies into it. Blah, blah, blah. I zone out harder. These two are going quite well. I think they could have benefited from a friendly wave each morning. At this point, I'm trying to get out of there so I can change the subject and give her the cookies. Before I can explain which is which, she rips open the wrapping and shoves one of the gluten slash dairy free cookies in her mouth.
choose for a second, then it out onto the ground. That's what I am standing appropriate so far. She looks at me all disgusted and he's like, here we go. I'm going to, I think I can guess this one. What the fuck? What the fuck are these fucking gross? I explained it to her that they're gluten slash dairy free because I wasn't sure if they had restrictions and that the other box has the regular cookies.
She rolls her eyes and shoves the first box back in my hands, opens the normal cookies and eats one and says, yeah, these are better. You really shouldn't give people those other nasty things. They're disgusting. I don't believe this. Agreed. Yeah, neither do I. But I do agree also. I think I made cookies because I wanted to stick my nose in and I had a really negative experience because I was being an asshole. to ham it up. Yeah. I'm going to make a big fuss about it. Yeah. Yeah, that's what I reckon.
I took them back home after all this and several friends of mine tried them I thought they were pretty good and so did everyone else now this is where the real bullshit is right? You to try these cookies the lady next door is so rude to me will you see if they're okay? great darling yeah I'm calling bullshit on the delicious gluten-free dairy free texture free taste free
I'm Tom Hanks in big when he has the beluga caviar and does this like, I mean, I'm not big on kids, nor eight kids, but I'll tell you what gluten-free, dairy-free cookies, I'm not big on either. So it's You went to her house. Right? It's like she and her eight children showed up on your doorstep and demanded cookies. invaded this woman's
like privacy and then you're acting like you're the victim. Fuck off, As you it, And you took gluten-free, dairy-free cookies. Like, you you are the perpetrator right now. Yeah. That's the crime. just wouldn't bother. Here's some and if they say, we can't have them. I'll have them You say, okay, then no worries. them to someone else. Yeah. I'll take them. Next time I'm cooking, I'll do something that don't have this, that and the other in it.
If it turns out with both as if you're so worthy. my God. I've thought of everything. Look at me. my God. I'm so... I'm doing a degree in social work because I'm going to solve the world's problems. And I understand everything. I understand neurodivergence. I understand gluten intolerance. any of your children, are they experiencing any gender identity issues? I'll talk to them. Fuck off.
Completely disrespected your keto diet, Schmidty. I mean, God, where's your option out of this? Sorry, you'll have to take them away. Are they sugar free? Be gone. Be gone. Are they cum free? Get out of here. Yep. So let's continue because the story is long and probably does require some checking. Her kids are now behind her, seeing that she has cookies and as kids do, are now begging for them. Do they? Yeah.
Now I made a dozen. Seems like a reasonable amount for any family, right? Even if they had four kids, they could each have two. But again, these people have eight and they need to be judged for it. I figured you added that bit. No, I don't think a dozen is a reasonable amount. Anyway, you didn't make a dozen. You made 24. Twelve inedible ones and twelve edible ones.
I hope the mom gives the kids all the free ones. would keep the good ones myself. She's given them back already. At this point, I was just kind of over the interaction, gave her the card and was about to go back into my apartment. When she goes, wait, I turned back around and look at her. She says, you only brought 12. There's 10 of us here. Me and my husband want to eat two cookies. So what my kids get only one each. I mean, what are we calling on that? Yeah.
I'm internally rolling my eyes again. There's a lot of eye rolling. it's bullshit. Yeah. I mean, bullshit is just an act that bulls do. It's not a swear word. But do you think that like, if this one who's taken the cookies over, if this had really transpired, do you think by this point you might've gone, okay, I thought I was doing something nice, forget it. You wouldn't have gone, I'm internally rolling my eyes. I'd just be like, forget it or whatever else. I'd be externally rolling my eyes.
I'd be like, passive, it looks like I've caught you at a bad time, I'll leave you with your little monsters, whatever else. Do know what mean? I wouldn't be going, let this one talk all over you again, where are the rest of the cookies? You only made 10 and we were like, you only made 12 and there's 10 of us, what a crock. It's not true. anyway. it's not true. This woman is a truth stretcher.
Your timing is perfect. That's exactly what I was going to say. Cause the next bit that our truth stretcher says is again, again, Swanny, I'm internally rolling my eyes. But I say, I'm sorry, but I had no idea you had so many kids when I made them. I try to leave again. And this time she grabs me by my shoulder and demands that I make another batch. No, doesn't. My kids deserve more than one cookie.
you don't kids and you don't do shit. I'm guessing that all day. Just go make more. You don't have anything else to do. You owe it to them. I think there's a lot of crazy going on here. I think someone's a psycho. Her kids are still crying and begging in the background. And she points this out. Look at them. Look how sad you're making them. Does that feel good? Making children cry? Yes it does.
This woman's a fantasist. As if you'd still be there engaging. If this had happened, you'd be like, all right, sorry, I thought I did something nice, forget it. Fuck you. Yeah, I'm back in a way. I'm going to work, bye. Thanks, yeah, you're yeah, give me some more shit, I'll just stand here and take it, mean, as you. Yeah. So I flat out refused to tell her that if I'd known she was going to be so rude and ungrateful, I wouldn't have bothered in the first place.
I snatch the box of cookies from her hand and go back into my apartment. I thought that would end it. wrong. She then opens my door and starts to walk inside yelling about how those are her children's cookies and that I should be ashamed of myself as stealing from a child. I push her back out again, slam the door closed and lock it. Then she proceeds to pound on my door and scream at the top of her lungs demanding not only the original box of cookies, but several more batches because
I was such a four letter word shit maybe. Slag. Yes, like mole. Mole. Mole. Mole. Mole. That her children and she deserved them. She went on like this for at least 25 minutes before our landlord got involved. My building was right next to the leasing office. So I'm sure she heard the screaming pretty clearly. She was told to leave me alone and under no
circumstances was that level of noise or that kind of behavior acceptable. I don't want to live in this community. That ended the craziness that day, but honestly, it was insufferable living next to her. There was constant screaming and crying and noise. At all hours, every single day, if I or any of the other neighbors complained, we were being stuck up and rude because they're just kids.
There was always gross bags full of dirty diapers. Same problem sitting outside right in between her door and mine. I mean, were there? Again, my complaints were futile. Her kids were always playing on the stairs and the deck leading to our apartments, making them a hazard because they were constantly underfoot whenever I'd leave slash come home. What? What the stairs and the Friendly wave each morning would have helped for sure.
When I brought this up, was told kids are allowed to play wherever they want. And if they get hurt, it's your fault. Really? I don't know if I can continue with this story. You know how when we do the serial killer ones and they get so sad and so depressing that you think, we'll just move on. This is a bit like that. believe they probably, she probably was annoyed with the eight kids. She probably was annoyed with the noise. She probably was annoyed with the mess and whatever. And then Baby invented a lot of the cookie story to
create a backstory that made it sound all right. Otherwise, he just a whingey fucking neighbor shut up. Maybe she invented the neighbors and she's just cray cray. The whole thing was, you in a head. Yep. Yep. They also harassed my dog a corgi puppy I trained as an ESA. Every time I took him out to the point where he developed anxiety towards going outside. He's an emotional support dog. Yeah, right. So funny.
And then he gets anxiety. He was never very good at it. He only just passed. Thankfully, I handled that pretty definitively when on one occasion, one of the little brats walked up and smacked my pup directly in the face and pulled on his ears. He yelped in pain and then growled and snapped and I absolutely lost it. She handled it pretty definitively.
I screamed my head off at all of the kids, told them if they ever touched my dog or as much as came near him, I'd have him eat them. And if that didn't work, I'd call the dog police and have them all arrested. It's silly, but they were young enough and that worked really well. my God. This is why neighbor incidents occur. There's a whole bunch of crazy in this lady and a poor lady trying to cope with eight kids.
All this nonsense went on for almost a year with my landlord getting more more fed up with the constant complaints and her constantly using the they're just kids defense until it finally happened. At some point, their destructive little monsters had somehow put a hole in the wall we shared. While I was waiting for the maintenance to come and fix it, I noticed a roach, which I'm assuming is American for cockroach. Cockroach, yes. Scuttled out of the hole and into my apartment. I killed it immediately.
But everyone knows if you see one roach, you have a ton. Not really. Not in, not where we live. I put duct tape over the hole and then went and pounded on their door. When she answered, I just completely lost it on her. I screamed in her face about how disrespectful and nasty her and her family were. How I couldn't believe she was okay with wallowing in her own filth like a pig in shit. I figure I got that one right.
And how she should have her entire little brood of screaming monsters taken from her for being so disgusting and revolting to the point of cultivating a roach infestation. mean, God, there's a lot going on here. I seriously just let her have it for like five full minutes straight. And when I was done, I went back into my apartment, made sure my pup was kenneled, locked my door and marched down to the- Got shotgun. Yeah. I guess at the time it took me to kennel the pup and everything.
She'd called down and reported me for harassing her because my landlord asked what had happened. I filled her in on the situation explaining that the roaches and the disgusting living conditions. She was furious. She inspected both of our apartments and pointed out that our lease includes a clause about maintaining sanitary conditions and avoiding infestations. They ended up with a 30 day eviction notice and they tried to guilt trip me by calling me a bitch, I reckon.
asking how I felt making a family with young kids homeless blah blah blah. I didn't care at all. good. The day they moved their shit out and I made that up too but I think I got it right and left was the happiest day of my life tbh. Did they live somewhere in She wanted them to go over the men there from the moment they arrived it was just a all an exercise in shitting on them. Yeah absolutely. Is sure that they weren't my ex-tenants.
We're talking about here though. I they could have been your future tenants in this point. It's not fair off. No, my current tenants are alright. Now this is where the neighbour story gets real. And this one's from all that's interesting. well that's a very good source. Yes, and it is kind of interesting. On the snowy morning of February 1, 2021, three bodies were found in Plains Township, Pennsylvania.
At the time, Plains Township was one of several areas in the northeast to get hit by a massive winter storm, which led to multiple flight cancellations and school closures. Snow totals reached higher than 30 inches in some regions, and the slick icy roads caused many motor vehicle accidents. One of them was Jeffrey Spade, who was born on the 16th of June, 1973. he's my age.
Well, maybe there's some similarities. Let's wait and see. Spade grew up in Wilkes Bar, Pennsylvania, and spent much of his early life in the area. Spade attended Wilkes University and then Villanova University, earning a BS in environmental engineering. Bullshit. And an MS in water resources and environmental engineering. A decorated veteran, Spade served in the US Navy during the 1990s.
followed by stints in the US Army National Guard and the US Navy Reserve. He also worked for more than 20 years as an engineer. All in all, he lived a seemingly ordinary life. However, Spade never got along with his neighbors, James and Lisa Goy, who were 50 and 47 years old respectively. yes, the Goy's. Who were they again? I won't try their names. Goy's, James and Lisa.
I went to write down Jane and Lisa and I thought that's not right. think. on a minute. Yeah. That's right. Yep. They were known to have been involved in several arguments. Apparently there's been an ongoing dispute between neighbors, some of which involved a dispute about snow disposal and removal explained Luzerne County First Assistant Directory Attorney Sam Sanguadolce. They're across the street from each other.
And when they would remove snow, they would throw it across the street at the other person's property. But despite the volatile relationship between Spade and the Goys, their fights were never reported to authorities. On the morning of February 1, 2021, Geoffrey Spade began arguing with James and Lisa Goy outside of their home in Plains Township. Like many of their earlier fights, this one centered on snow shoveling. According to NBC News, the Goys shoveled
Yeah, not an issue for most of Australia. The boys shoveled snow from their parking spots and then moved it across the street before dumping it on Spade's property. Soon afterwards... What idiot? idiot? Yeah, what fucks? Well, they don't get on with him, so they're just being assholes. Soon afterward, Spade emerged from his home and asked the couple to stop. They didn't.
Instead, the conversation devolved into a heated altercation that involved Spade and the guys verbally threatening each other. Is there some irony that his name is Spade and this is over And they're shoveling? Yeah. How do you confuse an Irishman? Call Spade a shovel? Give him three spades and tell him to take his pick.
Right back to the story. Instead, the conversation devolved into a heated altercation that involves Spade and the boys verbally threatening each other, hurling multiple obscenities and calling each other names. I'll make your life a living hell living here, dickhead. James Boy angrily shouted at Jeffrey Spade. Spade replied, what? Fuck you, you fucking scum. Then James wife Lisa yelled,
You're the fucking scumbag. didn't know. You don't know how to talk to any God. You don't know how to talk to somebody. What? That's a weird sentence. Wow. She's smooth. And my telling of her telling her smooth story is even smoother. James continued. That's right. You're a pussy, pussy, pussy.
I'm assuming it's that and not a putty putty putty because there's asterisks between the P and the Y. Puffy? You puffy? You're a puffy puffy puffy. Well these days that might be considered a slur, right? It probably would be. yes. of this was captured on surveillance footage along with the violent escalation of the argument. In a video,
Spade is eventually seen walking down his driveway towards his neighbors, revealing a gun in his hand. we go. Ban guns America, ban guns. I shouldn't laugh, but far out the solution. What was about to happen would not have happened if you didn't have a gun readily available. James warned Spade to put the gun down, but Spade refused to listen. Instead,
He began firing, hitting James first before moving on to Lisa. Jesus. Though the wounded James attempted to flee towards his home, shouting for other neighbors to call the cops, Spade soon shot him again. Meanwhile, the injured Lisa screamed, you fucker, you! I bet she did. I think that's what you or I would do too, sweetie.
you've been shot. Who the are you? Spade was then seen walking back to his home. However, he only went inside to replace his handgun with an AR style rifle. So he continue firing on the goys, essentially executing them. my God. My God. Multiple guns. So they weren't able to make it inside the house. They were like
maimed outside kind of thing. Yeah they were at the front. He went inside the house to get his new gun. finish him off. One of the last things Spade said to his neighbours before killing them was this. You should have kept your fucking mouth shut. Then Spade retreated to his home once more to shoot himself with a third rifle. a third rifle.
She was shooting herself with a rifle, it's not that easy, it's all long and stuff. You've got to have long arms. Police responded to the chaotic scene a little before 9am that morning. By that point, locals had reported hearing several rounds of gunfire go off earlier in the day. Additionally, Geoffrey Spade was allegedly seen pacing inside his home before the final shot was heard when he died by suicide. Yeah, because he would have been like, Understandably.
How did that happen? just went to shovel in the snow. How it escalated quickly. Yeah. Yeah. Don't you call a spade a spade. The gruesome murder, suicide and the expletive filled argument that preceded it quickly garnered strong reactions from many people. Some expressed sympathy for the Goy family, especially since the deceased couple left behind a 15 year old autistic son who will now need to be cared for by his grandparents.
One woman in France who identified herself as a relative of the Goys said the couple didn't deserve a tragic death like Castle. They shouldn't have put that snow on his yard. However others came to the defense of the deceased spade arguing that he had endured bullying from his neighbors for too long. Shouldn't have put that snow on his yard. Yeah right this is the team 20. Meanwhile others...
Others were simply shocked that an argument over something like snow shoveling could end so violently. moderate pillager. The straw that broke the camel's back. One thing is certain, both Spade and the Goys leave behind many loved ones who desperately wish that morning had ended differently. Good God. What a waste. And I just want to know, would a friendly wave each morning help to make a better day for Spade and the Goys? Barry Crocker.
And that is my story of neighbors. my God. That's what did you think? Well, apart from the Karen one, which, you know, we already established, she's just a total truth stretcher. Extraordinary stretcher. Thank goodness for that. So perfect. Did you really want to write an article into a, you know, where did you get it from? Like it sounds like new idea or something.
And when they call like the husband mere male or there was used to be something. My mom used to watch something and they would describe like the person when they talk about the man would be M.M. and I still can't remember what was. It was M.M. my god, so sexist. It was. It probably is these days. This is like, mom used to have like new idea and woman's day. Cause woman's weekly was a bit more high brow compared to those pair and those, they were pretty dodge.
But you know, me and my, my God. And then that read like that, she'd written a thing for the bloody new idea. It really did. Or Penthouse. What's that? I went over there and she had her tits out or something. She was breastfeeding four of the eight kids that she had. I was going say that'd be more interesting than what we actually did here. my God. She just has that fucking teeth. Yeah, she didn't like my cookies. Make me more cookies, no? And she thought that by saying, telling us that we'd be so...
I'm thinking, my God, Howard Dickers, I could never put up with that myself. I couldn't live in it. We're all leading somewhere with this. and let me guess, you couldn't put up with it. No, and I got them kicked out. I don't feel sorry for I just feel like if you were gonna make that story up, you could make yourself seem a little bit better. I guess I badly don't want to Absolutely true. It's a very unsympathetic retelling of their own position. Yeah, exactly. Complete lack of self-awareness.
But I think that probably was the crux of the issue with the neighbors. Complete lack of self-awareness. We get cockroaches in the wood pile all the time and never where there's one, is there always a ton? No, it's not a thing. even if it is. Sydney there's cockroaches everywhere. my God. City is a cockroach capital of the world. We used to back from the Bondi Hotel and these things would be like four inches long.
I don't think I've ever seen as many as there. That's exactly right. We have some here. And they scuttle From time to time it's very hot. There's a couple of houses like on the corner that we see them, we laugh about and we know it's hot because they come out overnight and they're around. They do. And they scuttle around and... But my god, I grew up with them and I hated them. my god, they were everywhere. I think if you could train them to walk side by side in the straight line, that'd be a great mode of transport.
They scurry around everywhere. So if had a leg on each one, you'd fall over in no time because it would be like walking on ice. Anyway. remember when I lived in Bondi, I don't know who it was. Someone was over and one of them ran across the kitchen floor and it was probably four inches long. They were everywhere, right? There was no controlling that. And the girl looks at me, she goes, what was that? I said it was a cockroach. She goes, that's a pet because it was so big.
I was like, yeah, they like that. And then when Hub and Carl came and at one point we're sitting outside and the whole wall of the shed was moving. It was sort of dusk time. It was just cockroaches everywhere. And I just, by that time I'd had some, I was so over them that I picked up a broom and I started smashing them because I was just like, I can't, and Hub's laughing her head off. And I'm like, it's like I had a little psychotic break. I just couldn't take it anymore. It was so revolting.
I'm like, they must die. must die. I'm surprised you didn't get your AR rifle and start shooting them. Well, because we don't have AR rifles available to us. That's why you don't shoot anybody in this country when you have fights. You might stab them, you know, in this country. might stab people. Or run them over with your car. Run them over, yeah. Or glass them. Yeah, glass them for sure. For sure you glass them.
Well, maybe the answer is to do like you boys and just live somewhere remote. So you don't actually have, you've got neighbors, but they're far enough away that you don't bother that up over you and you don't bother them yet. I mean, there's a lot of that's the of the story. Yeah. Yeah. There's not enough land on this earth for that. feel like there's enough space between myself and my now I've got really well, I've got a very quiet older man next door who never says, but to a goose. then on the other side, I've got a young couple who were
They're very quiet. They, you know, they're nice people, but you've been to our house. You can see they're into their whole backyard and we're very good. try and just like, look away. Friendly each morning. Look away. Well, on occasion, I'll give them a friendly wave and vice versa, but I do my best You've had the best neighbors in the world, so wouldn't make any difference after Helen and Nick. they were the best neighbors. Yes. But you know, they were offset by that complete CNX Tuesday on the other side. Yeah, yeah. He was...
Fuck an asshole, yeah. So any sentencing, any thoughts guys? I just sentenced that woman who made the bloody story up. No one cared. To eat her own horrible fucking cookies for the rest of her life. Gluten free, dairy free. I was just so thoughtful that I went to that extreme to do that for people that I hadn't even met. And I thought I'll just make them without anything in it. a martyr, that's it. And she greeted me at the door with eight kids. Like what on earth?
What a filthy slag! Roach breeding, infestation creating. It's just extraordinary. know, like, she thought she had an audience that were going to listen and love it. I'll be outraged with her. This mock sort of outrage of internally rolling my eyes. How do you even do that? I wonder why you got a support pet love? I trained that dog to be a
emergency, an anxiety riddled, emotional support animal. then began to be anxiety riddled from the children who hit it in the face and pulled its ears until it growled at them. Let the fucking dog bite them then it's fine. I'll set the police on you. I'll let him eat you. I thought when she said I dealt with it definitively, I thought she's walked up and she's
belted that kid in the face and pulled his ear and said, do you like it? The people that knew idea loved the story so much that they sent out a journalist and a photographer to get like the story from her and the old neighbors. And they found out she was just a beep beep beep beep beep beep. A bullshit artist. that's the title of the article. Bullshit artist.
And a big photo of her exposed. There you go. That's her. Don't give me that. Don't take my photo. It's like, local woman. And her anxiety riddled. Totally fabricate story to harness some interest in her small life. you are cutting. Yeah, does need, I shouldn't be editing it. That may be with it. That can be the subhead.
The top one can just be bullshit. Yeah. I was going to say, can you add a couple of asterisks? Cause I'm really struggling. I'll say, who, expletive, expletive laden. What would you call that? When it's a letter to the editor or whatever else. Fines local lady has been lying through her teeth. When we went to investigate, you know, take pictures of this troublesome family. It turned out they never existed. She had complicated the entire thing. We call bullshit.
I'm trying to think of like a son, the UK son, how they always had puns. I'm wasted. That's what I should have been doing. Cookie dough slag caught in sham or something. Yes, I like it. Ab Fab did one about a scandal involving Patsy and it was fash mag slag. Yes. Cookie mag slag. that's what was like, cookie dough slag.
caught in shag or something like that. That was really lighthearted and fun until three people died. But apart from that, good one, Clarky. Yeah, well done.
was like, this is going, no. All right. There had to be a death somewhere in there, didn't they? The three is very, that was actually quite sad. As we say, very good job. As we say every week, miss you already. Bye bye. Bye bye. Thanks for listening to Trial by Wine. You can contact us at trialbywine at
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