Schmidty introduces Swanny and Clarky to each other and then they delve into the weird world of prosthetic penises, blindfolds and more. Hear the tale of Kye Fortune, Gayle Newland and her unwitting lover as told by Clarky and then judged and sentenced in our first Trial by Wine
If Swiss cheese is your thing, you’ll love this episode. Schmidty takes us on a journey of food fetishism, cheese misuse and the four P’s of marketing. The Swiss Cheese Pervert is tried by our jury and given a new sentence, fitting for a Trial by Wine.
Swanny tells the cautionary tale of social media murder, in this fascinating story about Janelle Potter and her obsessive love that lead to death. Schmidty and Clarky hear the case with all the responses befitting the TBW jury and sentence Janelle and her posse to unique (and fictitious) new sentences.
Judge if Janelle really is just too pretty
Clarky takes the team on a relentless journey of knives, threats, butchery and horror in his telling of the Katherine Knight story – Australia’s Hannibal Lecter. Join Schmidty and Swanny as they hear the case with it’s many twists and turns and seek TBW justice.
Schmidty “lightens the mood” with a macabre (but not murder) story. Follow the twists and turns of the Russian Grave Robber and his bizarre collection of “dolls”. Clarky and Swanny are freaked out and revolted, but stay true to their cause and sentence Anatoly Moskvin to a fate befitting of his crimes….well, sort of.
Here's the real beautiful nail joke too.
Swanny introduces us to the not-so-perfect lives of the Wolfpack where we learn the hazards of home schooling, cougar chasing and reading too much into first testament scripture.
Clarky tells the tragic story of Marie Joseph and the risks of 240,000 gallons of Midori and milk when mixed with mediocre management. We’re joined by special guests Stuart (pool technician extraordinaire) and Henrietta who provide valuable insights into the case.
Schmidty takes us on a journey of self improvement gone horribly wrong in this story of manipulation and persuasion at an epic level. Clarky and Swanny learn the highs and lows of marketing with a crash course in what makes a house of brands in the story of Nxivm.
Swanny takes us on a ride and a half, exploring Florida's wildlife and more in this eye popping episode about the goings on in Florida on the Trial by Winers' birthdays!
Clarky proves the adage that in modern times people can have more than three careers with his story of Mona Fandey. Schmidty and Swanny debate whether there is a skills gap for shamanism and what the curriculum of the School of Trial By Wine Certificate III Shamanism would need to cover and whether internships are a good things
Schmidty unleashes the first unsolved case on the TBW crew, changing things up a little and getting the team to don their detective hats and scour through the evidence before accusing and sentencing their perps. The story centers around an underwater Stone, Brian Jones, and the mystery of his death.
What does a Jewish Pimp, a Hollywood director and Hugh Hefner have in common? A beautiful woman named Dorothy Stratten. Hear the harrowing story of Dorothy and the men that destroyed her told by Swanny.
Oh, this one is gross. Clarky takes us back in time to 1930's Italy where we learn the economical way a murderer can use their "resources" and Schmidty and Swanny write a new musical.
Schmidty tells a very light touch Golden State Killer story and then goes on to shock the Jury with the story of David Fuller and how both of these monsters were undone in the end.
Swanny delves into the world of body modification and the team are amazed at the kind of work you can get at a tattoo shop on the Central Coast.
Who doesn't love a battered Saveloy? Well, us now. Clarky tells the story of Sada Abe and her extraordinary love life.
Schmidty tells the story of Ursula and Sabina Eriksson, the Swedish twins who ran havoc on the M6 and more.
Swanny takes the team on a trip to Springfield Illinois where nuclear plant engineer Mark Winger killed his wife Donnah and alleged attacker and thanks to the investigation lead by a Chief Wiggan wannabe, very nearly got away with it.
Clarky horrifies the team with the shocking story of the Richardson family murders and Swanny discovers her talent for slam duck poetry.
Schmidty takes us back in time to Switzerland 1794 with the story of Margaretta Peter, the woman who thought she was Christ, in this story of religious fanaticism and whack-a-mole.
Swanny tells the story of the man behind the makeup, providing the background to one of America’s most prolific serial killers, John Wayne Gacy and why clowns just don’t do it for her.
Clarky, Schmidty and Swanny are joined by a special guest, Regina Lawless, who gives us her professional view on the case of McKinley "Mac" Phipps Jr. Reggie brings her wealth of experience in legal process to educate the TBW crew and we were honoured to have her join the jury!
Schmidty lightens things up a bit and in honour of April fools, takes us back in the Timey-Winey machine to the roaring '20's in this story of the King of Conmen, Victor Lustig (or at least that was one of his names), a man who made fooling people an art form.
Swanny backs up Clown Passions and horrifies the Trial by Wine crew with a deeper dive into the John Wayne Gacy case.
Clarky delves into the story of Dee Dee Blanchard and her daughter Gypsy Rose in this story of illness. The Trial by Wine team debate who was ill and how as it isn't as clear as it may seem.
Schmidty goes back to Florida and throws in a dose of COVID-19 in this story of how President Trump prescribed bleach to an unsuspecting populace.
Clarky tells the harrowing story of Sylvia Likens, an innocent girl bullied and tortured to death by a community lead by a villain who looks an awful lot like a caricature of evil.
Swanny covers the classic story of boy meets girl, boy gaslights girl, girl loses everything set against the backdrop of Sarma Melngailis' vegan crusade.
Schmidty tells the story of three fascinating Brazilians and their penchant for long pig in our first fan requested story - thanks Kitty Kat!
Clarky tells the story of Michelle Carter and Conrad Roy, where antidepressants and text messages combined with tragic consequences.
Swanny takes us on a road trip to the salad bowl of America where Laren Sims and Sara Dutra (Karma Sutra) cross Weekend at Bernie's and Thelma and Louise in a wild story that proves real life is stranger than fiction.
Schmidty grosses the team out with the macabre story of Ed Gein, the Butcher of Plainfield who filled late nights in Wisconsin with some bizarre hobbies.
The team are joined by Risky Sour, who provides some much needed gravitas and actual expertise on Clarky's story of the Westpac Scandal.
Join the team as Swanny tells the story of Jaycee Dugard, kidnapped walking to her school bus stop and the monsters who stole her childhood.
Schmidty reveals the insidious nature of blackmail with three stories from across the globe all featuring blackmailing moles.
Clarky dives into crimes of passion, culminating in the bizarre story of Tall Hot Blonde and Marine Sniper - how a virtual romance can go very bad.
Swanny brings suite of silly stories from the UK (thank you Channel 4) and our favourite - Florida. From phallus reconstruction to a VET who loves animals too much.
Schmidty brings the Widow of Walcha to trial, where Natasha Darcy's prolific internet searching lead to her arrest.
Clarky brings to light a story from Antwerp Victoria, where Joan Vollmer was exorcised to death in 1993 in a truly shocking Australian story.
Swanny tells the tale of Kellie Lane, set against a backdrop of Sydney's sport and beach culture. What happened to baby Tegan?
What kind of idiot would use COVID to cover up a murder? Schmidty answers this in the story of David and Gretchen Anthony.
Clarky's telling of the Natalia Barnett case leaves the team with more questions than answers...and a lot of laughs along the way.
Schmidty introduces the complex and at times tragic case of Aileen Wuornos - not the first female serial killer.
Swanny introduces the concept of a non-secretor to the team and tells the story of the tragic murder of Angela Samota, where suspects abound, but only the determination of Angela's best friend Sheila brought the killer to justice.
With Swanny away, Clarky and Schmidty (with the help of Woowey and Tone) keep the home fires burning with this selection of weird and wonderful news - mostly brought to us by our favourite source - Ladbible
While Swanny is away, Clarky entertains the jury with some saucy stories from discovering a whole new species of human - real life super heroes!
Schmidty takes the Real life Superhero thing further with the story of Pheonix Jones, a real life Super Hero who fell from grace.
Swanny is back and to celebrate Clarky tells the tale of the Slenderman Stabbing. Was it another case of folie a deux, or more aligned to Mean Girls?
Schmidty brings a listener recommendation to the jury that shocks them into silence. The death of Pravin Varughese and subsequent miscarriage of justice is a harrowing story of a mothers fighte for justice. Thank you Lovely for your support.
Swanny takes us back to the 50's and a story of mother's love that's gone a little too far. Ma Duncan refuses to cut the cord to her son Frank with disastrous consequences.
Schmidy tells a buyer beware story of real estate jealousy that had the Broaduss family terrorised. Who was The Watcher and what was their problem?
Schmidy takes a trip down memory lane back in the Wild West of England in this story of the murders of Becky Godwin and Sian O'Callaghan and the lingering questions about their killer Christopher Halliwell.
When is a love triangle, not a love triangle? When Liz Golyar is in the mix. Swanny tells the sad tale of the disappearance of Cari Farver at the hands of her love rival.
Clarky hangs the jury in this frankly weird story of Elisa Lam and the events that lead to her tragic death. What really happened to Elisa and did the dark history of the Cecil Hotel have anything to do with it?
If you have a fear of snakes, this one is not for you! Schmidty takes the team to Kerala for an exotic murder in God's Own Country. Hear how Suraj Kumar plotted to murder his wife Uthra and created a legal precedence in the process.
In this story, Swanny delves into the murder of Marjorie Nugent by her musical theatre loving companion Bernie Tiede and highlights the risks involved when Austin Liberals campaign for justice.
Schmidty delves into the sad story of Abraham Shakespeare, a man who had a little, then a lot, then nothing. Would you tell anyone if you won the lottery?
Clarky brings us the story of Jack Unterweger, a killer across continents who charmed the Literati into thinking that literal reform and moral reform were literally the same thing.
Clarky shocks the jury with the tragic story of Zarah Baker, whose short life was plagued with illness and abuse. Did her step mother Elisa kill her and was her father Adam a pathalogical numnut?
Here is the story of Mary and Elizabeth Stauffer and Jason Wilkman, who were minding their own business when Ming Sen Shiue abducted them. Swanny horrifies the team as she unravels the ordeal that Mary and her daughter suffered at the hands of a predator, and the murder of Jason, an innocent bystander.
The Jury wish you all a happy holiday season with this story about Christmas Crime. Schmidty tells the gruesome story of Ronald Gene Simmons and the carnage that took place in Arkansas in 1987. Maybe leave this one till Boxing Day.
Clarky puzzles the jury with no evidence, lots of opinions and a trial by media that continues to now. Hear the story of Laci Peterson and her unborn son Connor - did Scott Peterson kill his wife and child, or is there much more to the story?
Well, Swanny brings her A game, telling the story of Denis Rader AKA BTK and yet somehow manages to have the team in hysterics, even though this is a particularly dark and brutal case.
Schmidty follows up Swanny's Bacon, Tomato and Kale episode with the story of Edmund Kemper, the Co-ed Killer, and his 10 victims.
Clarky, working his way through the Petersons of crime, brings us the story of Drew Peterson and his very unfortunate wives. We hope Stacey is found and her family can have some closure.
Swanny brings us the unreal story of the Sun Gym Gang, which tells the cautionary tale of what happens when you mix steroids and a belief in fitness with a desperate need to have more of everything.
We return to God's own country, in Schmidty's story of cyanide or cholesterol with the case of Jolly Joseph. Cursed or killer?
Clarky darkens the mood considerably, telling the story of this local cold case and the horrific death of Bronwynne Richardson, a local beauty queen.
Schmidty lightens the mood with the story of Nannie Doss, the naughtiest nanny to ever high tail it round Alabama. This is a tale of Arsenic and old lace, and numerous people who wished they'd never met the Giggling Granny.
OMG - Clarky really hits this one out the park, terrifying Swanny with the tale of Tracy Wigginton (aka Wiggers), who committed a barbaric and entirely unnecessary crime. Which Wiggers was it though? Start the tape boys and I'll tell you what really happened.
Clarky prepares for his upcoming cruise with tales from the high seas. Find out what a magic pipe is and more!
Swanny harks back to the late naughties in London, with this story of obsession for Mr Boyzone. Sabrina Kouider and Sam Medouni spiral out of control, culminating in a bonfire and a bbq.
While Swanny is away, Tony debuts as host, covering the story of Tulia - known as the home of one of the worst miscarriages of justice in recent memory, and Tom Coleman, the man who made it all possible.
Schmidty draws some parallels between the boys in the valley and Dr Charles Scudder and Joey Odom, two off gridders from the 70's who found tragedy, instead of peace, in their country retreat.
Clarky brings more horror on the high seas, with the story of Dianne Brimble, whose holiday of a lifetime tragically became her last.
Swanny tells the story of Peter Madsen, Danish entrepreneur, genius and cold blooded killer.
Clarky continues his cruise crimes series, with this Mediterranean murder. When your ex husband tries to patch things up with you and organises a cruise, be afraid. Be very afraid! Especially if his name is Lonnie Kocontes.
This is the story of Larry Ray and the kids from Sarah Lawrence College who fell under his spell. Fry pans, one room apartments and sex trafficking were not on the syllabus, yet somehow these kids fell victim to Ray and his ill intent.
Clarky finishes off his month of cruise crimes with two stories that will horrify you. Schmidty resolutely ignores all his dire warnings (as per usual).
The day after the hens do, the Trial by Wine crew finally record together, with special guest voice talents from Somerset and Wales. Schmidty tells the tale of Penny and David Jackson and the bubble and squeak that lead to murder.
Here's the story of Andy Albury, Australia's Hannibal Lecter - allegedly. Clarky tells the story of Andy and his gruesome deeds, but the jury is out on whether Albury deserves that moniker, when really he's a Donkey Shooter.
Swanny delves into the depraved worlds of the Toybox killer and the Toolbox killers - trigger warnings abound.
Schmidty brings the intriguing case of Jodi Arias, a young, pretty and seemingly innocent woman who found herself at the centre of a media storm when her ex boyfriend Travis Alexander was found brutally murdered.
Schmidty brings us a nice little cleansing (no murder) story of romance scammers stealing a lot more than hearts around the world.
Hoarder stories galore in this episode! Clarky tells the sad tale of the Collyer brothers, who filled their lives and house with so much stuff that it lead to a tragic outcome and Schmidty joins in with some real life tales of hoarding - big shout out to Fat Shaz!
Swanny tells the light-hearted caper of Little Phil, aka Philippe Petit, the French artist who had a dream and took New York by storm.
Lizzie Borden took an axe, gave her mother 40 whacks - or did she? Schmidty fires up the timey winey machine for the infamous Lizzie Borden case and takes Clarky and Swanny on a ride back to the Victorian era, Massachusetts style.
Clarky tells the harrowing story of one of the most prolific and brutal serial killers the Trial by Wine Jury had never heard of. Strap in for the story of Andrei Chikatilo - part one. Trigger warning, this is a graphic episode.
Here we go again! Clarky reaches the climax of the story of Andrei Chikatilo, the Red Ripper of Rostov, much to the relief of the Trial By Wine Jury.
Swanny steers clear of serial killers, but still tells the shocking story of Andrea Del Vesco, her slutpup Shay Panda, and the question over those critical 6 minutes.
Schmidty heads back to ol' Blighty with this story of Britain's worst mother Karen Matthews, and her bid to get dart and booze money that went awry.
Clarky keeps it local with the story of the Frankston Serial Killer Paul Denyer who hated women and stalked and killed them....and then wanted to become one.
Schmidty pulls the Band-Aid off fast in this story of Mary Vincent and Roxanne Hayes, the victims of Laurence Singleton. This is a bittersweet story of survival and murder that changed Californian law.
Swanny introduces us to Joleen Cummings, the cosmetologist who disappeared from her work in May 2018, and the twisted tale of jealousy, J names and a very suspicious shopping list.
Clarky keeps the Aussie stories rolling with the unsolved mystery of the Tynong/Frankston murders. We hate a mystery!
Schmidty educates the team on cryptozoology and does a deep dive into the crimes of Bigfoot, or as they are known in Australia, the Yowie. Are they reclusive, gentle hominids as yet undiscovered, the missing link, or violent Yahoos with giant genitalia? You decide...
Clarky tells the jury the story of the first possible space crime. Astronauts, lesbians, data privacy breaches and a twist in the tale - the story of Summer Worden and Anne McClain has it all.
Swanny brings us the story of Liz Carmichael and the car con of the century. A woman who was either a pioneer or a pirate, working in a mans world.
Clarky tells the story of Margaret Hawke who murdered her three children in Port Hedland and the social context of this tragedy. Trigger warning, this is a very sad story.
Schmidty horrifies the team with this gruesome tale of Albert Fish, considered one of the worst child killers in history. A true monster. Trigger warnings abound.
Clarky's on holiday, but that doesn't stop him telling a corker of a story of the 1971 Qantas bomb hoax. A story that inspired film and music and features some of the dumbest criminals ever.
Schmidty continues her cryptid carry on with Werewolves - a cross section of true crimes perpetrated by wolfmen - yeah, sure.
Swanny returns to murder and mayhem with the story of the Monster of the Miramichi, Allan Legere who terrorised a community for absolutely no reason at all.
Schmidty completes her Cryptid series with the story of Shane Chartres Abbott, Melbourne's Vampire Gigolo who wasn't.
Schmidty takes us back to Utah with the story of Chad and Lori Daybell - a love story for the ages, or two maniacal extremist Mormons?
Clarky tells the disturbing story of the Icelandic Confessions, where six people confessed to the murders of two men. Seems open and shut right? WRONG!
Schmidty brings her Austro-Hungarian roots to the story of Walburga (Dolly) Oesterreich who kept her lover in an attic for 9 years. Hear as Dolly charms her way through the '30's and maybe into our hearts. (not Clarky's though)
What do you get when you cross a canoe, a prison guard and a doctors administrator? A fake death of course! Hear Swanny amaze the jury with the simply ridiculous story of John Darwin (Don Jarwin) and his wife Anne.
Clarky continues his travel themed stories with the tragic story of Denise Pipitone who disappeared from Mazara Del Vallo.
If you thought you were having a bad day at the office, spare a thought for Louise Ogborn who was the victim of the McDonalds Strip Search Scam - Swanny does it again with another non murder, but very disturbing case.
Schmidty tells the story of Keith Jesperson, the happy faced killer who murdered across 5 states undetected due to the ridiculous confession of Laverne. Seriously Laverne, what were you thinking?
Another offshore story brought to us by Clarky as he wanders the planet. This time we're in Greece where the Palaiokostas Brothers ran amok, much to the consternation of the police and amusement of the Trial by Wine jury. Get ready for a wild ride that really should be a blockbuster movie.
Schmidty tells a collection of stories from around the world, spooky clowns, stalking roos, dunny diving and the story of Julian Buchwald and Carolynne Watson and their picnic in the bush that did not go according to plan.
Clarky continues his continental musings with the story of Daphne Caruana Galizia, who challenged the government and was the "One Woman Wikileaks" of Malta.
Schmidty tells the story of Sarah Yarborough, a beautiful young girl taken too soon by a man who remained unknown for 32 years. Some interesting questions are raised around familial DNA and its use by law enforcement.
Swanny tells the incredible story of Juan Catalan who, if it weren't for a tenacious defence attorney, could have received the death sentence for a crime he did not commit. Oh and Larry David too.
Clarky continues his travel crime series with more misdeeds from Malta. This one is a mystery involving Mike Mansholt, a German tourist. Incompetence or conspiracy?
Clarky tells the story of Sante Kimes, well, part one any rate, because this is the busiest woman ever. Gateway crimes galore. !
Clarky completes the story of the Kimes', all the while inventing a drinking game no one remembers the rules to by the end.
Swanny tells the tale of Marjorie Diehl Armstrong, the MENSA murderer. With a cast of thousands this case had the team gripped.
Reggie Lawless is back in this episode about not one, but two, miscarriages of justice with the backdrop of Perth. Clarky takes us back in the timey winey machine and touches on one of the most heinous crime sprees Australia has ever seen.
Schmidty brings a curated and curious series of crimes to the team. It's just a coincidence that three out of four of them include human poo.
Schmidty tells the ghastly story of Joanna Dennehy, one of the UK's most dangerous women. Moreish???
Swanny tells the tale of Doctor Bob Bierenbaum the plastic surgeon who seems like the perfect Mr. Right, but was actually a total Mr. Wrong as his wife Gail Katz would discover.
Clarky spares the ladies of the jury any specifics that will keep them awake at night, but manages to terrify them anyway with his overview of Mexican drug cartels.
Swanny horrifies the jury with the case of Dante Arthurs, the monster who murdered Sophia Rodriguez-Urrutia Shu in a public toilet. A truly disturbing case, trigger warnings abound.
Clarky takes us to Peru, the land of spit roast guinea pigs, llama and false accusations.
Schmidty delves into the world of clowns (again) with the case of the murder of Marlene Warren, by none other than a killer clown.
Schmidty tells the story of the Duperrault family and their dream sailing holiday on board the Bluebelle with Captain Julian Harvey. A bit like Below Deck Sailing Yacht, but with murder.
Clarky continues his international crime series with a tale from Chile. The title may have given it away, but this is a hate crime perpetrated against Daniel Zamudio which shocked the country and paved the way for change.
Clarky curates a series of deaths in Bali - is it a case of insufferable Instagrammers focussing on their phones and falling to their deaths, or is the island striking back?
Schmidty tells the story of Ken Parks, who slept his way through murder. If you find that hard to believe, you're in good company with Clarky and Swanny.
Schmidty has a look into one of the oldest cold cases to ever be solved - the tragic murder of Irene Garza.
Schmidty finishes the story of the Irene Garza murder and how this became one of the oldest cold cases ever solved.
Swanny named this episode after the appalling behaviour of two girls who murdered their best friend because they just didn't like her any more. Skylar Neese's biggest mistake was hanging out with Shelia and Rachel.
Clarky takes us to Hong Kong and the horrific and senseless murder of Fan Man-yee by three disgusting men and a 14 year old girl.
Schmidty introduces the jury to Mother God AKA Amy Carlson, who was a 19 billion year old being and god on earth...or something like that.
Swanny takes us down to South America to the scene of the worst mass suicide in US history. Don't drink the Flavor Aid!
Schmidty enlightens the group on the sketch CIA programs of the '60's in their race to develop truth serum and brainwashing techniques - AKA Project (or deodorant) MKULTRA.
Clarky brings us a story of poison from India - yet another country he and Woo visited in their world tour of 2023!
Schmidty tells the story of the dangers of favouring any of your family - it can cause long term psychological issues and in some cases, murder! Mark Staudte found that out the hard way.
Swanny tells the story of Charles and Carol Stuart, a successful couple in Boston, until one night in October 1989 when they were gunned down by Willie Bennet....or were they?
Clarky continues his journey around the world with this story from Kandy, Sri Lanka. This is the story of obsessive attraction turned murderous against an innocent young boy S. M. Samarasinghe in 1940's Ceylon.
Schmidty put together a series of whacky crimes to lighten the mood. Alligators and crocodiles were definitely harmed.
Finally Clarky's world tour of crimes is at an end, finishing in the beautiful Maldives. What a way to end the trip, sand, grey nurse sharks, food, culture and of course, murder.
Schmidty tells a story of familicide, not to be confused with familiacide. John Emil List was a seemingly normal family man until one fateful day.
Clarky tells the horrific story of Rankin County's Goon Squad. 6 policemen who thought they were above the law and human decency when they assigned themselves a mission.
Swanny is back from her holiday and rips into a jaunt about a French prison escape artist Michel Vaujour and how he was saved by love.
Clarky takes us to Gympie, where Sharon Graham had her ex lover murdered by her current lover and wannabe lover. Yes, it's a love square with a bit of the old MP thrown in.
Schmidty tells the story of Ruby Franke - a cautionary tale about setting yourself up as an expert mummy vlogger, only to turn out to be a pretty nasty piece of work.
Clarky, inspired by the Paris Olympics, takes a closer look at the Oscar Pistorius case and the subsequent trial, appeals, sentencing, appeals, trials and so on and so forth.
What do you get when you combine TikTok, a mother and daughter, sex, lies and video? Two senseless deaths at the hands of Fame Monsters. Swanny tells the story of Mahek Bukhari and her mother Ansreen who tried to protect their new found fame at all costs.
For anyone who likes the great outdoors, here's a story about how it can all go horribly wrong. When Russell Hill and Carol Clay went missing in the Victorian highlands in 2020 there was huge speculation as to what had happened to them. Greg Lynn was the only person who knew and knows the truth.
Clarky tells the story of how Australia lost it's innocence. The tragic 1960 kidnap and death of Graeme Thorne and the subsequent investigation pioneered forensics in Australia.
Clarky takes us to Poland and delves into the story of Krystian Bala, the writer whose literary work was his undoing.
Swanny tells the unbelievable story of the kidnap of 23 kids in Chowchilla California. The jury are astounded at the sheer stupidity and callousness of the kidnappers.
This is the story of Delimar Vera and the many accounts of what happened in December 1997 when she died, or not.
Clarky shares a listener recommendation about a dark obsession that lead to the death of Rachel Barber, an innocent and beautiful young woman who did nothing but be her best self.
Swanny brings us a story from ol' Blighty, about Mick Philpott, possibly one of the most repugnant people we've talked about thus far. Shameless indeed.
Schmidty takes us to Alabama University where Amy Bishop gunned down her innocent colleagues one horrific afternoon. But wait, there's more....
Clarky tells a story of greed, murder and outsourcing. You're only as good as the team around you which Mary Ellen Samuels knew too well.
Nothing says 'I love you' like living in a crawl space and leaving notes on the kitchen counter written in condiments, just ask Daniel LaPlant who terrorised a young woman and her family and went on to commit truly heinous crimes.
Swanny terrifies the gang with the story of Israel Keyes, a serial killer who took planning to the next level.
As Barry Crocker intoned, good neighbours become good friends. Which may be true, but not in this collection of neighbours from hell, brought to you by Clarky.
For anyone who has seen The Unbreakable Kimmie Schmidt, this story has some parallels and even has a person named Schmidt in it. Schmidty (no relation) tells the story of John Jamelske who hoarded bottles, cans, and collected women off the streets.
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